Thursday, August 21, 2014

SOAP-Philippians #9

"Thanks for their gifts/Final Greetings"


Philippians 4:12
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want


Even in prison, Paul says that he is content. Wow! 


Contentment is hard. Even when all my needs are met, when I have plenty of money in bank and food on the table, when my family is healthy, when the bills are paid, and when I am surrounded by the good things God has given me, I want more. There's always something else I wish I could have or do. And when things are hard, money is short, health issues arise, and I can't get the things I want, it's even harder. I grumble and complain and worry. 
What's sad about that is I've never faced true need. True, we've had tight finances and times we didn't know how we were going to pay a bill that week. I've had health issues that were serious. We've had job losses and car trouble and kids who've had injuries. But, I've never  faced starvation or persecution or imprisonment. I am blessed with family and friends who are willing and able to help if I need it. I live in a place where medication and education are available to help with my health issues. We have access to doctors and hospitals when the kids need them, mechanics to fix cars, and opportunities for new jobs. Still, I want more. 
I want a NEW car. I want money to eat out, even though I have plenty of food in my pantry. I want God to zap me and take my health issues away. After all the blessings God has given me, I'm still not content.
So, what was Paul's secret? How could he, with all he had been through and was still going through, possibly be content? How can we? 
I believe the secret he speaks of to being content is to have an eternal perspective. Paul realized that EVERYTHING about this life is temporary. When we have good things, when things are going well and we have all our needs and wants, it's temporary. It can all be gone in an instant. But, on the flipside, all our struggles are also temporary. They won't last forever because someday we will leave this world and be in heaven with Jesus, where we will have everything we need forever.
And that's where our focus needs to be. If I am living for the eternal and working to reach other people with the love of Jesus, then I can be content with whatever God chooses to bless me with or not to bless me with. Because I know that the things of this earth will be gone soon but the souls of those around me will last forever.


Dear Jesus, You are so incredibly patient with me. You give me good things and I grumble and complain that I want more. Forgive my discontented attitude. Help me learn the secret of being content in any and every situation. Open my eyes to see the big picture, the eternal perspective. I want my focus to be on sharing your love with the people around me and making an eternal impact on their lives. Help me to give you the praise when you choose to bless me with things of this world and to continue to praise you when they are taken away.   In your name I pray, Amen.


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