If you have children, you know that when things get really quiet in the house, it usually means one of two things; either the children are asleep, or they are doing something they aren't supposed to do. When I can see or at least hear my kids, I don't really worry too much because I know what's going on. But when they are out of sight or being too quiet, my heart starts to beat a little faster as I run scenarios through my mind of what they might be doing and what I'm going to discover when I find them. Quiet at my house usually means that trouble is approaching.
I've applied this same mind-set to other areas of my life as well. When things in my life are going well, when there is calm and peace, I don't enjoy it because I am just waiting for the bottom to drop out and the storm to come. I always see the good times as "the calm BEFORE the storm."
But this isn't the way the God intends for me to live my life. Yes, storms are going to come into my life.
My kids ARE going to make choices I wish they wouldn't.
People ARE going to get sick or hurt or pass away.
My husband, friends, family, coworkers, etc ARE going to disappoint me.
Unexpected bills and financial issues ARE going to come.
God never said He would take our storms away. He promised that He would be with us through the storms and that eventually the storms will pass. And when they do, He brings us peace.
I read a scripture today that spoke to my heart. Acts 9:31 says
Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in number, living in the fear of the Lord.
(emphasis mine)
The church had come through a time of persecution and suffering, a storm. But God was with them through all of that and brought them to the other side, to a time of peace. Instead of spending this time worrying about when the next storm was coming or how bad it was going to be, they enjoyed their time of peace. They didn't let fear of the future steal their joy of the moment they were in.
Back to those children I was talking about at the beginning...
Children come into our lives in a storm. Whether natural, C-section, full term, premature, scheduled, or spontaneous, childbirth always bring with it an element of the unknown, of fear, of a lack of control. Like a storm. As that storms rolls through, the intensity increases, hearts beat faster, and things happen quickly. It is unstoppable.
Children come into our lives in a storm. Whether natural, C-section, full term, premature, scheduled, or spontaneous, childbirth always bring with it an element of the unknown, of fear, of a lack of control. Like a storm. As that storms rolls through, the intensity increases, hearts beat faster, and things happen quickly. It is unstoppable.
But suddenly, that little baby is born and the storm begins to calm. You hear that tiny cry and relief washes over you. Then they hand you that sweet little one wrapped up all snug and warm in a blanket. You take your baby in your arms and it looks up at you with those wide, trusting eyes, and a calm and peace floods your soul.
In those precious moments, your mind isn't thinking about the coming storms-the baby's first illness, potty training, paying for college-you're too busy counting fingers and toes and looking in wonder at the amazing gift you've been given. In that moment after the storm, you enjoy the time of peace.
This is the way I need to look at the storms in my life. Not shading my eyes from the sunlight, anticipating the approaching storm, but standing strong through the storm, anticipating the sunlight. When I view life from this perspective, I can enjoy the sunlight when it comes, basking in it's glow and soaking up the warmth of the light.
I am no longer afraid of the calm BEFORE the storm, because I am learning to live in the calm that comes AFTER the storm.
In those precious moments, your mind isn't thinking about the coming storms-the baby's first illness, potty training, paying for college-you're too busy counting fingers and toes and looking in wonder at the amazing gift you've been given. In that moment after the storm, you enjoy the time of peace.
This is the way I need to look at the storms in my life. Not shading my eyes from the sunlight, anticipating the approaching storm, but standing strong through the storm, anticipating the sunlight. When I view life from this perspective, I can enjoy the sunlight when it comes, basking in it's glow and soaking up the warmth of the light.
I am no longer afraid of the calm BEFORE the storm, because I am learning to live in the calm that comes AFTER the storm.
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