Have you ever noticed that a lot of people who are considered experts have no actual experience with the subject of their expertise? We have parenting "experts" who have no children. We have weight-loss "experts" who've never had a weight issue or an eating disorder. We have marriage "experts" who are single. All of their knowledge is based on study, research, and observation. And they CAN offer some good advice sometimes. But wouldn't it be better to go talk to someone with first-hand knowledge?
A parenting "expert" can tell give you some tips on getting your baby to sleep through the night. But only a mom can talk to you about how to soothe your breaking heart as you listen to your little one cry-it-out in the next room.
A diet and nutrition "expert" can tell you the right kinds and combinations of food to eat and the kinds of exercise to use to shape your body. But only someone who's been through weight loss themselves can tell you how to stay motivated when you're doing all the right things and the weight still isn't coming off.
A marriage "expert" can give you tips on ways to keep the spark in your marriage. But only someone who's been married and stuck it out through the years can tell you why it's worth it to put in the hard work of loving your spouse when they aren't acting very lovable.
For me, I prefer getting my counsel and advice from those who I know have "been there", who've walked the road I'm walking and come out on the other side. People who can speak to my heart from their experience. Because of where they've been, I trust that I can take what they're saying to heart.
I found an interesting verse in the book of Acts the other day. Acts 4:13 says,
When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
Peter and John were not religious experts, they were simply fishermen who had been called by Jesus to be his disciples. When they spoke of Jesus, his grace, and forgiveness, it was based on their experience, because they had been with Him.
This is the prayer I have for my life. I am bu no means an "expert" on the Bible in anyway. I can't tell you the Greek meanings of words or fill in the historical context of the events in the Bible. Those things I am still learning.
What I can do, is share with you what I have experienced. Jesus has changed my life in big ways and without Him, I wouldn't be where I am today. He's walked with me through some hard things and brought me to the other side. He's shown how me to see myself the way He sees me and how to let go of things from my past. He's encouraged me when I was down, given me strength when I was weak, and brought me out of the dark places into His light.
I may not be an expert, but I have been with Him. And that, for me, makes all the difference."
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