But in their big dreams, they only see the end result. They say, "I'm going to be a veterinarian and have dogs and cats and horses and snakes as pets. I'm going to live on a big farm and go on vacation in Hawaii and drive a sports car." And all these things are possible...someday.
What they fail to see is the process it takes to get there. The "rich" doctor that they see driving the fancy car and living in the giant house and vacationing in the Caribbean, was once a college student eating ramen and piling up student loans. Then, he was a med student spending all his time studying and working. Then, an intern putting in long hours for little or no pay. Kids don't understand the work and time that goes into achieving the end result. They want to jump from here to there and skip all the in-between.
We, as adults, do the same thing, at least I do. God has given me some pretty big dreams. When I think about the things that God has placed in my heart to do, I get so excited. I can't wait to see it all play out because it's going to be amazing. But in my excitement, sometimes I forget that there is going to be a process to get there.
Yes, God has big plans for me. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." But, to get to that future He has planned for me, there are going to be steps that I have to take along the way.
Often, I find myself dreaming of the future things and I see what I think is an open door to get there. I get so excited thinking, "God is this it? Is this the time it's going to happen?" And I take off running in the direction I think is going to get me there.
And as I do, God is whispering to my heart, "This isn't the time. I have something else for you to do right now. You aren't ready yet. There is more work to do so you'll be prepared when the time comes."
But all I can see is the BIG dream and how amazing it's going to be. And I want it RIGHT NOW. So I keep going toward it, trying to skip steps and jump ahead, until finally God shuts the door I was trying to go through.
And it hurts.
And I get angry.
And I feel confused.
Because I was so sure.
"God, why have you given me this dream, this vision, if it's not what you want me to do?"
I was reading in the book of Acts yesterday and I came across Acts 1:7. It really spoke to my heart about this issue through some things that I have experienced lately. It says,
"He (Jesus) said to them (the disciples), 'It is not for you to know the time or dates the Father has set by his own authority.' "
The dreams God has placed in my heart and the future He has planned for me, He will fulfill. He has promised me that. But, He will do it in His time, not by my schedule. And He chooses not to reveal that to me all at once.
Instead, He gives me steps to take TODAY that are going to prepare me for what He has in store later. They may look small or feel like no progress is being made, but I have to trust Him and rest assured that He not only sees the big picture, He sees all the pieces that have to come together to make it happen.
So, instead of trying to get to the finish line as fast as possible, I'm going to focus my energy on what He is asking me to do today. I'm going to trust that the path to the place I'm going will unfold as it is supposed to and that HIS timing will be perfect, if I just wait.
What is the BIG dream God has put in your heart for your life? What small step is He calling you to take TODAY that will prepare you for the day He makes your dream a reality? Start small and let Him be your guide. He'll never steer you wrong.
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