Friday, August 29, 2014

Seeing is believing.

This is the continuation of the story in Acts 3 where Peter and John heal the crippled beggar. The people in the temple courts saw the man walking and praising God and they recognized him. They were amazed at what had happened and they went to see Peter and John.


Acts 3:16
By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see.


Because the healed man was someone the people all knew, they paid attention. They had seen him sitting and begging at the gate all those days. They knew what his struggles were. So, when he was healed, it got the people's attention. Then, Peter had the opportunity to share Jesus with everyone there because they had a tangible example of what God can do. Because Peter and John reached out and met the needs of one, many were reached with the gospel.


 I can't save the whole world, but I can reach one at a time. And through that one, the people around them can have an opportunity to hear about Jesus and to experience God's love. I need to be looking for the ONE I can reach and be ready to give God the glory when He brings the healing.


Heavenly Father, Thank you for using other people to bless my life and to show me your love. Thank you for the practical ways you have shown your power in the lives of the people around me so I could learn more about you. Thank you for putting people in my life who are quick to turn the glory toard you and what you can do.
Often, I look around and see so many people with so many problems that it seems overwhelming. So, instead of helping someone you placed in front of me, I do nothing. Help me to open my eyes and see the ONE you want me to help. Help me to remember that by reaching out and helping the one, all those surrounding that person will see your power and your love as well. Lord, let me always be quick to turn the glory over to you. With you, I can do nothing.
In Jesus' Name, Amen

Give them a hand.

The next two sections of the book of Acts really spoke to my heart. I'd like to share my SOAP from when I read through these without adding anything to it. Hope this speaks to your heart as much as it did mine.


Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong


First, Peter and John paid attention to the man. He was put there to beg everyday, so they were used to seeing him. It would have been easy to just walk by. After all, he was just a crippled beggar, not worthy of their time. But, they SAW him. Second, even thought they didn't have money, they stopped to give what they could-God's love. Third, Peter didn't just pray for the man to be healed, he stopped, took him by the hand, and helped him up.


I need to take the time to stop and see people I would normally pass over. I need to look at them the way God looks at them and have compassion on them. I need to stop worrying about what I can't give them and focus on what I can. God has asked me to share His love. I need to love people, not just praying for them or telling them about Jesus, but in a practical way. I need to reach out, take them by the hand, and help them up.


Dear Jesus, Thank you, Lord, for the way you are speaking to me through this study. I love the way you are bringing these verses to my attention and showing me so much more than just what the verse says. Every word written in scripture is there for a purpose, to tell us about you.
Lord, give me the eyes to see people the way you see them. Too often, I judge by outward appearance or by circumstance and don't see people for what they really are-your masterpiece. Help me to look beyond the surface level and see the soul that lies underneath and who needs You above everything else. Help me to find ways to help people in practical ways so they can come to know you and your amazing love. In Your Name I pray, Amen

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

It's better together.

Growing up, I was an only child. I spent a lot of time by myself and learned to entertain myself when no one was around to play with me. This was the time before the internet, home computers, or texting. I did have a video game system that I spent time playing, but really, there's only so much of that I can do.I preferred writing, reading, doing puzzles, or crossword-type word games. I always enjoyed board games and card games, but most of those aren't much fun when you play by yourself, although, you always win!

There was one card game that I could play by myself that offered a bit of a challenge and didn't always allow me to win-Solitaire. All I needed was a deck of cards and a table or floor and I could keep busy for quite some time. I even knew several different versions so I had some options.

I heard an old joke a while back that said you should always carry a deck of cards with you. That way, if you were ever stranded or lost somewhere, you could pull them out and start playing solitaire. Pretty soon, someone would walk up behind you and tell you which move you should make next and you would be rescued! 

Funny but a little true. It's hard to resist offering advice to someone when they're playing solitaire and you see a move they should make. 

This happens a lot when I'm playing and my kids are around. And, although I get a little irritated with them sometimes, I must admit, it's much more fun when there's someone else there to give me a hint. It's more fun together.

I was at a friend's house the other day and she brought out a game called Solitaire, only you play this one with marbles. It's a lot like this one. At first, we took turns playing the game and seeing if we could beat the other person's "score". Then, we started playing the game together, each taking a turn to make a move. By the end, we were both scrambling to see how many moves we could make before the other person could see one. We were giggling and having a great time. So much more fun than when we were playing the game one at a time.

Kind of like life. God never meant for us to live in a solitary lifestyle, cut off from those around us by busy schedules or unwillingness to step out and meet people. He meant for us to do life together. I talked about that once on my old blog in this post. I have grown a lot in my willingness to reach oout and connect with those around me, but as I was reading Acts chapter 2, God spoke to my heart about this issue again.

The early church knew that life was better together. Acts 2:46 says, 
"Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. The broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts."

 Lately, my family has been spending a lot of time with our friends, the Gilbreaths. They have been amazing friends and support for us during a hard time when my husband spends a lot of his time working away from home. One of my favorite things about spending time with them is when our families share a meal together. Sometimes we eat at their house, sometimes at our, and sometimes we eat out. I've learned that the meal doesn't have to be fancy or expensive, the house doesn't have to be spotless, and the kids don't have to be perfectly behaved. The important thing is the time we spend together. 

So, I challenge each of you. Sometime this week, step out of your normal routine and your comfort zone. Invite someone to come share at meal with you, in your home or at a restaurant. It can be as simple as a 30 minute meal at a fast food restaurant in between the kids' activities. It can be a "hot and ready" pizza at the ballfield before a game. But, if you can, try to make the time to do it at home where you can sit down and have some time to relax and visit for a bit. You might be surprised to find that you enjoy it more than you thought you would.

Life is so much better together.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

New shoes...

A couple of weeks ago, my son, Landon, got a new pair of shoes. For several weeks, he had been wanting a pair of high tops because he saw other boys with them and thought they were cool. I had just bought him a new pair of tennis shoes, so I told him he was going to have to wait until he needed new shoes. But, he knew who to turn to for help-grandma. So they went out shopping and found him an awesome pair of high tops that he loved. 

A few days later, we were getting ready to leave the house. Landon sat down to put his shoes new shoes on. I watched him try to slip his foot in, but it wouldn't go on. So, he loosened up the top laces a bit and tried again. It still wouldn't go on.

I said, "Son, do you need some help?"

"No, I can do it," and he loosened the top laces until they were almost completely out of the holes and tried again. Still wouldn't go on.

"Do you want me to do that?" I asked again.

"No." was still his response as he pulled and tugged and pushed trying to get his foot inside his shoe. Nothing he did was working. Finally, in frustration, Landon threw his shoe across the room. "I HATE these shoes!" And stormed off to get another pair.

When he came back, I asked him to bring me the high tops. I then showed him how to loosen the lower laces, the ones that were making the shoes too tight for his foot to go in. The shoe slipped right on...

I was looking over my notes this morning from my study of Acts when I remembered that story.

Acts 2:21
And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

I love that this verse doesn't say "those who call on the name of the Lord AND who live perfect lives..." I love that it doesn't say "those who call on the name of the Lord AND don't have a past..." And it doesn't say "those who call on the name of the Lord AND memorize the entire Bible in two translations..." 

It simply says ALL who CALL on the name of the Lord will be saved. We don't have to look a certain way, act a certain way, or do anything else to be saved. God's salvation and freedom are offered freely to anyone who ask for it.

This passage is speaking of salvation from our sins, but I also think it is speaking of other situations in our lives. So many times, we try to handle things on our own when Jesus is there offering to take care of it for us, if we will only ask. 

Just like Landon with his shoes. I was standing right there offering to help. I had the answers. I knew how to fix his problem. But he insisted on doing it on his own. The more he tried the more he failed and the more frustrated he became. Had he just humbled himself enough to ask, I could have fixed the problem and we could have been on our way. 

Is there an issue that you're facing today that you can't fix? Call on the name of the Lord. Ask Him to help you and then step back and allow Him to take control of the situation. He will take care of everything!

Monday, August 25, 2014

I can't...

I am blessed to be the mother of four amazing kids. I have three girls and one boy, ages 9-16. Lately, I've been reflecting a lot on how much they have grown and how much they can do for themselves. They don't need me as much as they used to. 

My 16 year old is now a junior in high school. In only two short years, she will be leaving home and heading off to college. She will be responsible for doing her own laundry, cooking her own meals, paying her own bills, and taking care of her own needs. 

But not yet. She's not ready.

As her mother, I can see this milestone coming up for her. I have wisdom and experience she doesn't have to know the things that are going to be required of her when she leaves home. I can see where she is now in her abilities and where she needs to be before she's ready to go into the world, and I am working now to prepare her for it.

I would not just open the door and send her on her way today. I know that she can't make it on her own. She needs my guidance and teaching to equip her for what's to come. I have to teach her to use the washing machine. I have to teach her how to read recipes and how to choose good food. I have to teach her budgeting and saving and spending. I am going to give her the skills she needs to be able to succeed.

I was reminded of this when I read Acts 2:4
 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

There are situations and seasons of my life that God asks me to walk through that seem impossible to me. Things I can't do on my own. There are times when I know God is asking me to do something, but all I think is "I can't."
But in this verse, the people were not speaking in other tongues because of their abilities. It was impossible for them. The reason it says they were able to do it is because "the Spirit enabled them." 

So, when I am faced with something I can't do. I can rest assured that when I can't do, God CAN. And if He asks me to do it, He will enable me and equip me with everything I need to do the impossible. 

What are the things God is asking you to do that you're saying "I can't" about? Is he asking you to
-start a Bible study group at your church or work?
-invite a friend or co-worker to church on Sunday?
-write a book?
-share your story with people around you?
-coach your child's team or volunteer in their classroom?
-change jobs or careers?
-invite someone over to your house for a meal?

Step out in faith and give it a try. If God has called you to do it, He will make it happen. When you can't, HE can!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Rejected? Or chosen?

I hope you enjoyed reading my SOAP series from my study time in the book of Philippians. I enjoyed writing it and God spoke to my heart through each and every post.

As I've mentioned a couple of times, I am currently doing a SOAP study of the book of Acts with my friend, Gina. I am learning so much from this and I want to share it with all of you. But, instead of the SOAP format, I'm just going to share what's in my heart. Sound good?

So, here goes...

Over the summer, I went through a situation that really tested my faith, my patience, and my trust in God's promises.

A job opportunity unexpectedly presented itself to me. At first, I resisted the idea of even applying, arguing that I wasn't qualified and that it would never work with my homeschooling. But God kept speaking to me, encouraging me to step out and try. So, I sat down to type up my resume. The more I worked on it, the more I realized that I WAS qualified. I DID have training and knowledge and experience that had prepared me for the job.

So, I turned in my resume, went through the interview process, and waited for the call that I had the job. I spent time praying and seeking God's guidance each step of the way and I was completely, 100% sure that I was the one God would choose. In the end, the decision was between me and one other person. And the other person was chosen.

I had tried to prepare my heart for the possibility of not getting the job, but in reality, it's impossible to put your whole heart into something AND keep it at a distance at the same time. So, I was devastated. Why would God ask me to step out and apply for that job if He knew all along I wouldn't be chosen? Why would He want to set me up for rejection? Was it some sort of cruel trick for His amusement-keep me on a spiritual yo-yo offering me something good and then snatching it away at the last minute? Was I not good enough for God to use me for something great?

It was just a couple of days after I got the news that I read this passage in my study time.

Acts 1:23-26
23 So they nominated two men: Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias. 24 Then they prayed, “Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen 25 to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he belongs.” 26 Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles.

Notice, the disciples did not pray for God to show them who was more qualified. They didn't pray for God to show them which one was worthy. They didn't ask God to show them who He accepted and who He rejected. They asked God to simply show them who was the right person for THIS job. Who should be the one to take the place of Judas as one of the 12? That person was Matthais.

Did that mean that there was something deficient about Joseph? No. Did not becoming a disciple cancel out Joseph's inclusion in the Great Commission to go out and reach people with the Good News? No. Did Mattais being chosen for the job disqualify Joseph from ever being used by God somewhere else? No. 

All it meant was that THIS job was meant for Matthais and God was going to use Joseph somewhere else. Joseph wasn't rejected by God. He was CHOSEN to work for God in a different way. 

We don't really know what happened to Joseph called Barsabbas. I tried to do a little research and couldn't find any hard facts about him. But most of the things I found suggested that it is believed He went on to do spread the Gospel in other areas.  

As I was reading this passage, God spoke to my heart and my peace began to return.  I started to understand that my not getting the job was not a rejection from God. It wasn't because I was unqualified or somehow not good enough. It wasn't because of some mistake in my past or deficiency in my abilities. It wasn't a confirmation that God could never use someone like me.

Looking back on it now, I can see purpose behind why God asked me to apply for the job, even though it wasn't His plan for me to be hired. The biggest one being that applying for this job was a huge step out of my comfort zone. I had to actually put myself out there and take a risk. Also, through this process, my eyes have been opened to see myself more like God sees me. Where I used to think that I had no talent, no gifts, no abilities to work in a leadership position, I now understand that I CAN lead and I CAN do more than just hide in the background. I now know that God has a big plan for my life, something He is preparing me to step up and do someday.

The reason I didn't get hired for the job was because this wasn't the right job for me. I could have done this job and done it well. I would have put my heart and soul into it, but it wasn't right for me. It wouldn't have fulfilled the plans that God has had for me since before I was born.  I wasn't rejected for this job, I was CHOSEN for another job. And it will be revealed to me at the perfect time.

Jeremiah 29:11 says,
 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Because God promises that He has a plan for my future, I can rest assured that even though the chatter in my brain tells me I've been rejected, the truth tells me I am CHOSEN. God has a perfect plan for me. I just have to be willing to wait for it to be revealed.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Do you know why you're there?

I mentioned in this post that I have been going through the book of Acts with a friend. It's been very interesting to me because, although I've studied different verses and stories from Acts, I have never read the whole thing. I'm finding there was a lot of good stuff I was missing. God has spoken to me so much through this study!
Today, I was reading in Acts 19. This is one of those chapters that I had kind of heard people talk about, but hadn't ever really read for myself. I enjoyed the first section and pulled some good insight from it, but it was the second section that really spoke to me today. It really made me rethink some of the things I think and say. I want to share it with you.

The Riot in Ephesus

23 About that time there arose a great disturbance about the Way. 24 A silversmith named Demetrius, who made silver shrines of Artemis, brought in a lot of business for the craftsmen there. 25 He called them together, along with the workers in related trades, and said: “You know, my friends, that we receive a good income from this business. 26 And you see and hear how this fellow Paul has convinced and led astray large numbers of people here in Ephesus and in practically the whole province of Asia. He says that gods made by human hands are no gods at all. 27 There is danger not only that our trade will lose its good name, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will be discredited; and the goddess herself, who is worshiped throughout the province of Asia and the world, will be robbed of her divine majesty.”
28 When they heard this, they were furious and began shouting: “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” 29 Soon the whole city was in an uproar. The people seized Gaius and Aristarchus, Paul’s traveling companions from Macedonia, and all of them rushed into the theater together. 30 Paul wanted to appear before the crowd, but the disciples would not let him. 31 Even some of the officials of the province, friends of Paul, sent him a message begging him not to venture into the theater.
32 The assembly was in confusion: Some were shouting one thing, some another. Most of the people did not even know why they were there. 33 The Jews in the crowd pushed Alexander to the front, and they shouted instructions to him. He motioned for silence in order to make a defense before the people. 34 But when they realized he was a Jew, they all shouted in unison for about two hours: “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!”
This whole story spoke to me but in particular verse 32, 
"The assembly was in confusion:Some were shouting one thing, some another. Most of the people did not even know why they were there."
Isn't that how things work a lot of the time? Especially in politics or in the news, we get into that "mob mentality" and get up-in-arms about issues when we may not know all the facts.  All it takes is just a couple of key words thrown into a news story or a facebook post to incite mass arguments and people taking sides. 
Here's how it happens...someone writes a blog post about a current happening, voicing their opinion. They throw in a reference to race, religion, or politics that is strongly to one extreme. That post gets shared on facebook. People read it and have a strong reaction because of the extreme wording and either side for it or against it. Because it stirs their emotions so much, they share the post again and add a comment stating their opinion. Then their followers do the same and their followers do the same, until it's everywhere. People on each side, sharing their thoughts and arguing that they are right and the other side is wrong. 
But, here's something to remember...ANYONE can write up a post about ANYTHING they want, whether it is fact or not. 
By the time it has been posted and reposted and reposted, most people who are reposting do not have any relationship or connection with the original author. They don't know whether what they just reposted is the truth. In fact, I'd be willing to be that a lot of people who repost those inflammatory  articles don't even read them first, much less research the actual truth. 
Instead, they repost because a "friend" shared it and they trust their friend's judgement. 
But, in truth, they don't even really know what the argument is about in the first place. 
I encourage you, please, read and research before you repost. Don't be swayed by someone's clever use of hot-button words. Instead, ask God for wisdom and discernment to know the truth and to make a judgement based on His word. And then consider whether it's worth joining the masses and entering a riot where most people don't even know why they're there. Let's choose our battles wisely!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

SOAP-Philippians #9

"Thanks for their gifts/Final Greetings"


Philippians 4:12
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want


Even in prison, Paul says that he is content. Wow! 


Contentment is hard. Even when all my needs are met, when I have plenty of money in bank and food on the table, when my family is healthy, when the bills are paid, and when I am surrounded by the good things God has given me, I want more. There's always something else I wish I could have or do. And when things are hard, money is short, health issues arise, and I can't get the things I want, it's even harder. I grumble and complain and worry. 
What's sad about that is I've never faced true need. True, we've had tight finances and times we didn't know how we were going to pay a bill that week. I've had health issues that were serious. We've had job losses and car trouble and kids who've had injuries. But, I've never  faced starvation or persecution or imprisonment. I am blessed with family and friends who are willing and able to help if I need it. I live in a place where medication and education are available to help with my health issues. We have access to doctors and hospitals when the kids need them, mechanics to fix cars, and opportunities for new jobs. Still, I want more. 
I want a NEW car. I want money to eat out, even though I have plenty of food in my pantry. I want God to zap me and take my health issues away. After all the blessings God has given me, I'm still not content.
So, what was Paul's secret? How could he, with all he had been through and was still going through, possibly be content? How can we? 
I believe the secret he speaks of to being content is to have an eternal perspective. Paul realized that EVERYTHING about this life is temporary. When we have good things, when things are going well and we have all our needs and wants, it's temporary. It can all be gone in an instant. But, on the flipside, all our struggles are also temporary. They won't last forever because someday we will leave this world and be in heaven with Jesus, where we will have everything we need forever.
And that's where our focus needs to be. If I am living for the eternal and working to reach other people with the love of Jesus, then I can be content with whatever God chooses to bless me with or not to bless me with. Because I know that the things of this earth will be gone soon but the souls of those around me will last forever.


Dear Jesus, You are so incredibly patient with me. You give me good things and I grumble and complain that I want more. Forgive my discontented attitude. Help me learn the secret of being content in any and every situation. Open my eyes to see the big picture, the eternal perspective. I want my focus to be on sharing your love with the people around me and making an eternal impact on their lives. Help me to give you the praise when you choose to bless me with things of this world and to continue to praise you when they are taken away.   In your name I pray, Amen.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

SOAP-Philippians #8



Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.


Paul encourages us to keep our mind on positive things, to think about things that are going to build us up and lift our spirits.


  We are constantly bombarded by negative images, words, and thoughts. It's easy to fill our mind with things that bring us down and take our thoughts off God's goodness and love for us. If you turn on the television or radio, log onto social media, or read a newspaper or magazine, it doesn't take long before news of a tragedy or crime is front and center. We hear about wars, murders, famines, disasters, child abuse, celebrities making bad choices, and on and on. If we're not careful, these things take over our thoughts and consume us. When this happens, we tend to think the worst about the people around us and the situations we face.
When I put my attention on negatives, I think negatively. It starts with reading an article online about some tragic happening, a missing child maybe. That leads me to think about what I would do if my child was missing. How I would feel. That produces fear and worry. Then I send my kids out to play and they don't come immediately when I call them. This causes a moment of panic when that story flashes back into my mind. In an instant, all sorts of terrible happenings race through my brain. And even when I see my child coming and realize they are just fine, the worry and fear nag at the back of my mind, stealing the joy of being with my children because all I can think about is losing them. This is not how God intended for us to feel.
The opposite is also true. When I put my mind on positive things- things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy-I think positive thoughts. When I spend time reading the Bible, praying, sharing what I've learned with others, reading uplifting stories, and listening to encouraging music, I see the world differently. Instead of fear and worry, my thoughts are filled with joy and peace. I can see God's goodness and mercy all around me, even when things aren't going my way. Because I know that in all circumstances, God is still good, I can see hope even when things are not good. And then, I can pass that hope on to others who need it.
So today, I choose to fill my mind with good things. I will listen to things that build me up. I will read things that are encouraging. I will speak words that bring hope. I will think about things that are true, lovely, and praiseworthy. Because God is good, all the time!  


Dear Jesus, there are so many negative things in my world that pull for my attention. When I'm not careful, my thoughts become consumed with them and my mind is filled with fear and worry. In your word, it says that you have not given me a spirit of fear, so I know these thoughts of not from you. Forgive me, Lord, for giving in to the negative and allowing it to steal the joy you have brought to my life. Help me, today, to place my thoughts on you, to choose to intentionally look at, listen to, and speak things that are good. Thank you for helping me to drown out the negative and hear you speak to me above all the noise. You are good, all the time!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

SOAP-Philippians #7

"Pressing on toward the goal"


Philippians 3:13-14
Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.


 Paul has just finished telling all the reasons he had to brag about his "righteousness" under the law. He realizes, though, that none of that matters because our true righteousness is only found through Jesus. So, Paul says he is not going to dwell on things from the past. Instead, he is going to look ahead. He's going to keep doing the work God gives him to do without looking back.


The past has a way of getting in the way of our future. So often, we carry past hurts, failures, and regrets around with us and they keep us from moving on into the future God has for us. Or, on the other side, we want to live in the limelight of a past success or victory and not move ahead to the next thing God has for us for fear of failure. Both of these will keep us from reaching our full potential in Christ. We need to let go of our past, the good and the bad, and move on toward the things God has planned for our future.


Dear Jesus, Thank you, Lord, that I don't have to carry my past around with me. I can let go of it and move on to the future that you have planned for me. All of my failures and hurts, you have freed me from through your death on the cross. All my successes that I want to stay in, I can leave behind with confidence knowing that you have a plan to give me hope and a future. Help me, Lord, to set my sights on what's ahead and leave the past in the past. I want to do as Paul said and press on toward the goal that you have for me. In your name I pray, Amen

Monday, August 18, 2014

SOAP-Philippians #6

"No confidence in the flesh"


Philippians 3:9
and be found in him, not having righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ-the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith.


Paul spends the first few verses of this chapter recounting all the reasons he could choose to brag on his righteousness through the law. He was circumcised on the 8th day, he is an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, and Pharisee, a persecutor of the church, faultless under the law. But then he turns the tables and proclaims it all garbage. He knows that righteousness through works under the law is not enough. Our righteousness comes only through faith in Jesus Christ.


So many times in my life, I have tried to earn God's love and acceptance through being "good" or doing "good deeds". I try to follow all the rules to live the way I think I am supposed to so that God will love me. My goal is to earn God's acceptance. But I don't have to do that.
God's love and acceptance of me are not based on what I do. God loves me because of who I am. He created me. He loves me. He accepts me. He wants me to be with Him forever. And He showed it by sending His son, Jesus, to die for my sins and to rise again to bring me new life. Jesus already did everything that was required for me to be accepted. All I have to do is believe. My righteousness comes from who Jesus is and what He did, not from anything that I will ever do.


Dear Jesus, Thank you, Lord, for your sacrifice for me on the cross and for the new life you give me through your resurrection. Thank you that I don't have to do anything or be anything to earn your love. My righteousness comes from faith in you alone. Help me, Lord, to remember that when you said "It is finished," you completed the work to be done for my salvation. Thank you for the freedom that comes from being able to serve you out of the love in my heart rather than out of obligation. I place my faith in you and what you have done for me and I choose to bring you honor by serving you and following your commands.
In Your name I pray, Amen

Sunday, August 17, 2014

SOAP-Philippians #5

"Timothy and Epaphroditus"


Philippians 2:24
And I am confident in the Lord, that I myself  will come soon.


Paul is writing this letter from prison. He is making plans to send Timothy back to the church, even though that doesn't seem likely to happen at the moment. He has faith that God will make a way. He even believes that he himself will be released and able to return to them soon. His faith isn't dependent on his circumstances.


I need to always be looking beyond my immediate circumstances to what God has planned for me in the future. Too many times when I encounter a difficult situation, I throw up my hands and think "this is the end. It's never going to get any better." But Paul was in a much more desperate situation than I have ever faced and he held on to his faith. He didn't just curl up in the prison and die, he looked ahead and believed that God had something great planned for him. Not only that, but while he was still in prison, he spent his time encouraging others. Paul had confidence that God would deliver him from his situation. I need to focus on what God can do, not where I am.


Dear God, When I face difficulties in my life, I tend to give up and lose hope. I forget all the things that you have brought me through and all the promises that you have made about my future. All I see is the immediate. Help me, Lord, to learn to see beyond right now. When things go wrong, I want to hold onto my faith that you have a plan and a future for me. I want to see beyond myself to the needs of others and be an encouragement to them, no matter what I'm going through. Thank you, Lord, that there is always hope in you. Because you sent Jesus to die on the cross and rise again for me, I can have hope that things will always get better.
In Jesus' Name, Amen

Saturday, August 16, 2014

SOAP-Philippians #4

"Shining as Stars"


Philippians 2:14-15
Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.


Throughout the Bible, God calls believers to be different from the world, those who don't believe. He wants our lives to be an example to those around us of His love for them so that they can see through us their need for Him. One way to do this is to do everything with a smile on your face and a willing attitude. When you do everything you're asked to do with a happy heart, people will notice!


I have this verse hanging in my kitchen above the place where I keep our school calendar. I have quoted it many times to my kids when they don't want to do what I ask them to do. But the verse isn't just speaking to my kids, it's speaking to ME.
As a mom, I have the job of  doing the cooking, cleaning, laundry, driving kids around, and all the other "mom" things that we all do. And after the 10th time of picking up the same pair of shoes from the kitchen floor, my attitude often isn't what it should be. I grumble at my kids about them not appreciating me. I complain to my husband about having to do it all. I vent to my friend about how they're driving me crazy.
But God doesn't ask me to do the fun stuff without complaining or arguing. He doesn't ask me to do things with a happy heart only the first time. He doesn't ask me to have a pleasant attitude when things are going well for me. He says to do EVERYTHING without complaining or arguing. That means even the things I don't want to do, like scrubbing the bathroom. That means even the times when I have to do something that "isn't my job." That means even when no one sees or appreciates or praises me for what I'm doing. EVERYTHING.
And He gives me a great reason to choose to have a good attitude. He says when I choose to do everything with a happy heart, I will shine like a star in this world. People will notice when I do things that others would complain about and do it with a smile. They will notice when I give freely of my time, money, and energy to things that are "not my job". People will notice when I work to cooperate and get along with those around me. My good attitude about the things I do will help me show the love of Christ to those in the world around me.


Dear Jesus, How often I forget that this verse is speaking to ME. You have called me to be a light in this world and my attitude is one of the things that will shine the brightest if I choose it wisely. Forgive me for the times when I do the things you ask me with a grumbling heart, complaining that it's not my job or that no one appreciates me. Help me to remember that by having a happy heart I am showing your love to a world that desperately needs you. I want to shine like a star and use my light to point people to you.

Friday, August 15, 2014

SOAP-Philippians #3

"Imitating Christ's Humility"


Philippians 2:2
"Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose."


Paul is asking the believers to love one another and to be united. He is encouraging them to get along and to work together for the same goal, living for Jesus.


It's easy to let little disagreements or attitudes become barriers that cause division between us as believers. We think that things have to be done our way to be right. But Paul is encouraging the believers to put aside their preferences and be united. We need to remember that we all ultimately have the same end goal, we want to reach people with Jesus' love so that they can live together with Him forever in heaven. In order to do that, we have to be unified, with the same mindset and love for one another and for others and work together toward that goal.


Dear Jesus, I know that I have often let my preferences or the traditions I learned as a child to become a barrier to reaching out and being unified with other believers in doing what you have called me to do. Lord, help me to put my selfish thoughts and desires aside and focus on the purpose you have for me. Help me to focus my energy and attention on being unified and working together with other believers so that together we can reach lost people with your love.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

SOAP-Philippians #2

"Paul's Chains Advance the Gospel"


Philippians 1:19
"For I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance."


Paul is writing this letter from prison. Even in that circumstance, he praises God and proclaims that it is going to be used by God for good. Paul's faith helps him to see beyond his immediate circumstance to the future that God has planned for him.
When the circumstances of my life are not what I'd like for them to be, when things go wrong, I need to open my eyes to see that God has a plan for it. Instead of complaining or questioning why God is allowing me to go through the pain, I need to praise him because He has a plan and a purpose for everything He allows to happen. The difficulties I go through are for my growth and so that others may be reached with the gospel message. I need to focus my attention on praise rather than worry, fear, and doubt.
Also, Paul mentions that it is through the prayers of the believers he is writing to that this circumstance will be used for his deliverance. This means that, #1, the believers were aware of his need and, #2, that the believers were praying for him. 
I need to let go of my insecurities, pride, and need for control and reach out when I have a need. I need to be humble enough to admit that I am facing a situation I can't control and ask for prayer from other believers around me. I also need to be ready to intercede for those around me with prayer when they are facing difficulties. Both of these things requires that I have a relationship with the people around me and have a connection with them. We were not meant to do this life on our own.


Dear Jesus, Forgive me, Lord, for the times I have let my circumstances overwhelm my soul to the point that I have lost sight of you. Even in the last few weeks, I have faced situations that have shaken my faith and made me doubt your love and your plan for me. But, Lord, you have ALWAYS used everything that has happened to me for good. You have shown me in the last week your incredible love for me in ways I couldn't have imagined. Help me to hold onto that when trials come and I feel fear and doubt creeping in. I know that you always have a plan and a purpose for the things I go through. Help me to keep my focus on giving you praise and waiting for your deliverance.
And help me, Lord, to build relationships with the people you place in my life. Help me to love them the way you love them. I need friends who are close enough that I can share my struggles and needs with them so that they can intercede for me in prayer. I want to be there to do the same for them. Thank you for the friendships you have already begun to build in my life.Strengthen the bonds and help us to grow closer through your love for us.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

SOAP-Philippians #1

So, here's how this is going to work. I'm going to go through the book of Philippians, and do one post per day. Each post won't necessarily cover an entire chapter. Instead, I'm going to go from "headline to headline", or topic by topic. So, most chapters will actually span two or more days. 
For today, I'm going to lump the greeting part of the book in with the first headline. 

Ready? Let's go!

"Thanksgiving and Prayer"


Philippians 1:6
"Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."


Paul is encouraging the Christians at Philippi to continue doing the work that God has called them to do.

Sometimes doing what God has called us to do is hard. We get discouraged and we doubt that we will be able to finish it. In those times, we need encouragement from those around us to help us keep going. I need to pay attention to those around me and notice when they are going through a hard time. I need to notice when those around me are struggling and I need to be ready to step in with a kind word to help them keep pushing. I need to be ready to remind them that God will get them through to the end.


Dear Jesus, thank you for always being with me. You never ask me to do anything that you aren't right there beside me the whole time. But sometimes, I get discouraged and wonder whether I can go on. Lord, you always send someone with a kind word of encouragement when I need it most. Help me to be that person for those around me. Help me to pay attention to what the people around me are going through so that I can offer them encouragement and remind them that you are with them. Amen.

And there you have it. I'd love to hear what you thought of this passage! Leave your insights in the comments below.




Before I go any further in this post, I must make a confession to all of you. I have never been a big Bible-reader. Growing up, I tried several times to start at Genesis and read all the way through, but I would get to about the middle of Leviticus and give up because it seemed so boring and dry and hard to understand. I didn't see how any of it connected or how it possibly applied to me. And so I never got any further than that. 

So, instead of trying to read the whole thing, I would just take notes during service on Sunday and study the verses the pastor used or read through a devotional book and study those verses. I got some good words doing it this way, but I still didn't really see the connections or how it really applied to me personally. 

A couple months ago, I decided, again, that I was going to read through the whole Bible. But this time, I am trying a different approach. I started in Genesis, of course, because that's the beginning, but I also started reading in Psalm, Matthew, and Acts. I read a couple of chapters from each section every day and it gives me more of a glimpse of the whole picture and how it all plays out in the end. Kind of reading the beginning, middle, and end of the story all at once. 

As much as I am loving what I've been doing, it still wasn't becoming personal to me in the way I wanted it to. Until, a sweet friend asked me to do a study with her. I hesitated at first when she suggested we start with the book of Acts, because I had just finished reading through it a few days before. But, in the end, I figured it couldn't hurt to reread it and maybe I'd actually have an advantage because it was still fresh in my mind, so I agreed.

We decided to use the SOAP method for our study.  For each section I read, I choose one scripture that stands out to me (S), then I write down what I observe (O) about what I read. What are the surface details of what the scripture is telling me? Next, I look for the application (A) of the verse to my life. How does this speak to ME? And finally, I write out a prayer(P) asking God to help me live out what the verse is speaking to me. I LOVE this method. Because I'm reading such a small section at a time, I can focus on the details of what is written, rather than just reading it as one big text. By doing this, I can hear  God speaking directly to me. 

The other thing I love is that she and I don't always pick the same scripture. So, I get kind of a two-for-one lesson. And even when we do choose the same verse, God often speaks something very different to each of our hearts. Hearing someone else's perspective is always beneficial.

I love this method so much, I want to share it with all of you right here. I'm going to be go through the book of Philippians and share my SOAP each day with my readers on my blog. I am so excited because I know God is going to speak to my heart and to yours through this study! 

Stay tuned...the first post will be up later tonight! I'd love for you to join me in my study. Leave your SOAP in the comments on each post and let's learn from each other. 

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Once it's clean, it's clean...'s the bane of my existence. With 4 children and 2 adults living in my house, there is a never-ending, constantly growing pile of dirty laundry at all times. Somewhere along the way, I heard someone use the word "Mt. Washmore" to describe their mountain of laundry. I have to agree. Sometimes sorting through to gather a load of laundry to wash feels like climbing a mountain.

But, really, I don't mind gathering, sorting, and washing the laundry. I don't really mind folding and hanging the laundry (although I have passed most of that job off to my kids). The problem with laundry comes when it's time to put it away. 

In our house, the laundry gets folded or put on hangers and stacked in piles according to who it belongs to. Then, the owner of the laundry is to take it to their room and put it away. Pretty simple concept, right? Except that several of the people involved in this putting away process are children.

Children, at least in my house, don't seem to see the value of hanging laundry in the closet or closing it up in drawers the same way I do. Instead, the laundry ends up sitting on a bed or a dresser (or the floor) waiting until the day it will be worn again. In and of itself, this wouldn't be a problem. Except that several of the people involved are children.

Children, at least in my house, don't always have neat and tidy rooms. Okay, let's face it, their rooms are usually just short of being declared natural disasters. So inevitably the clean laundry that was sitting waiting for it's next wearing, ends up with other things piled on top of it or pushed to the side to make room for something else. Until...the time comes for the weekly (hopefully) cleaning of the bedrooms.

Children, at least in my house, when they're cleaning their rooms. instead of taking the time to put things away neatly where they belong, tend to be stuffers. They try to stuff everything into any hidden space they can find as fast as they can so they can say they are finished with their rooms. And the most convenient place to hide all of that laundry that never got put away is...back in the dirty laundry!

Nothing makes me crazy like going in to gather a load of laundry to wash and finding a still-folded pair of my kids' pants. Or worse, a shirt still on a hanger!!! 

I already cleaned it. It is NOT dirty!

A few days ago, during a study time in the book of Acts, I came across a verse I never really paid attention to before. Acts 10:15 says,
"The voice spoke to him a second time, 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."

Wow! God spoke to my heart through that verse. 

So many times, I do the same thing. Only, it's not clean laundry that I throw back into the dirty laundry pile, it's my heart. 

Often, I speak words about myself that don't line up with what God says I am. I say I'm not good enough. I say I messed things up. I say I am left out. I say I'm not who I need to be. I say I am worthless. I say I am unlovable. I say I can never be used to do anything for God.

But that's not what God says.

Jesus Christ came to earth, died on the cross, and rose again to give me a clean heart. The Bible says that when I accepted Christ as my Savior, my sins were washed "as white as snow".  God says I am His masterpiece. God says I am beloved. God says I am redeemed. God says  I am able. God says I am a victor. God says I am a conqueror. God says I am accepted. God says I am loved. God says I have a purpose.

God says I am clean!

So, instead of speaking those words over my life that say I am not, I am choosing to speak the words over my life that God says I AM.